Small General Grants
FaRiG is pleased to be able to offer small grants towards expenses incurred by Georgian scholars attending academic conferences, symposia, colloquia and other such international events (particularly when the scholar is delivering a paper or presentation or is a member of a panel). Such grants may be used to top up funding from other sources, eg. when scholars have won an overseas research scholarship.
The expenses might be registration fees and/or accommodation costs.
Applicants are expected to raise at least 50% of total expenses from other sources.
FaRiG would normally make the payment direct to the event organisers against suitable documentation (thus reducing delays and bank charges).
Enquiries and applications (in advance of the event) should be sent by email to Robert Scallon on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Graeco-Roman Small Grants
This scheme, endowed in memory of Gogita Tsetskhladze, is for costs to be incurred by Georgian scholars in research relating to archaeology and history of the Graeco-Roman period in the Greater Caucasus and Black Sea region up to AD 700. Grants, up to a maximum of £600, can be applied for at any time.
Grants under this scheme are for focussed purposes within the general scope mentioned above, such as:-
- costs of attending conferences outside Georgia
- costs of Georgian students working on an eligible excavation inside or outside Georgia
- costs of translating/copy-editing monographs written by Georgian scholars and published in English
- costs of analysis outside Georgia of materials excavated in the region (radio-carbon dating, isotopic, metallurgical analysis etc)
- costs of Georgian researchers visiting museums/archives in the region
- contribution towards the costs of mounting an international conference in Georgia
Any queries and applications should be directed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.